
The Compliance team ensure legal compliance of all our hard structures in the following areas:

· Water hygiene

· Local Exhaust Ventilation

· Pressure systems

· Excavations

· Lifts

· Electricity

· Contractor Control including permits

· Asbestos

· Statutory inspections

Melissa Harris
Interim Compliance Manager

Mr Jimmy Leithead
Health & Safety Advisor

Ms Danni Loughlin
Compliance Officer

General enquiries can be directed to

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the compliance team responsible for?

The Compliance team also supports Estates in:

·  Fire Building Strategies

· Custodians of the Estates Compliance procedures (ESPs, to be renamed ECAs in the near future)

· Estates Internal Auditing

· Compliance training

The team are also responsible for the H&S Management Profile (HASMAP), which is the Estates H&S Management system. This is now live and available at the bottom of this webpage.

About Asbestos

Asbestos are tiny invisible fibres found in building materials.  They can be breathed in or rest on your clothing.  If these fibres are breathed in, they can cause lung diseases such as mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lung), asbestosis (fibrous scarring of the lungs), and asbestos-related lung cancer.

It is important to note that when asbestos is maintained in good condition and not disturbed the risk of exposure is extremely low.

Asbestos on campus is actively managed by a nominated Deputy Duty Holder and Responsible Person.

The University’s Asbestos Contractor regularly inspects the asbestos around the campus and updates the asbestos register.  The asbestos register is maintained on the Alpha Tracker.

Over time, we will continue to remove asbestos from the campus prioritising asbestos with the highest risk.

Are contractors inducted?

Contractors must be inducted at the University of Lincoln via our Estates Induction Process and must also make themselves aware of our Environmental Policy.