Environment Policy Updated

As a rapidly-growing University with over 14,000 students and 1,500 staff, the University of Lincoln acknowledges that its activities will have an environmental impact on both a local and global scale. It is also recognised that environmental responsibility plays a key part in achieving our strategic aims and objectives.

The Environmental policy has been developed to outline the University’s commitment to the environment.

Access the updated policy: https://estates.lincoln.ac.uk/files/2022/04/UoL-Environment-and-Energy-Policy-2021-Approved.pdf

Further Estates policies can be accessed on the Policies and Procedures page on the website: https://estates.lincoln.ac.uk/services/policies-and-procedures/

Staff interested in the environment can express an interest in becoming part of a network of staff sustainability advocates who will work with the Environment team to implement the sustainability strategy at the University. Email environment@lincoln.ac.uk for more information.


  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ