Education for Sustainable Development

Education for Sustainable Development is a strategic Priority

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a key theme in the University’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Environmental Sustainability | Management and Strategy | University of Lincoln

Page last reviewed June 2024

Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals

We have set ourselves the following target:

Our students will learn about discipline-relevant sustainability challenges and have the opportunity to enhance the sustainability of our campuses.

We will achieve this by:

  • Embedding sustainability in all curricula, ensuring our graduates are meeting relevant employer needs. Students will also have opportunities to contribute to sustainability projects run by the University and Students’ Union.
  • Ensuring students are informed about the environmental impact of their own actions and have the opportunity to support the University’s transition to Net Zero.

A programme for the mapping and delivery of ESD is currently in development, planned to be rolled out in academic year 2023/24.

An Education for Sustainable Development Steering Group coordinates this work across the University, with representation from each College. This group is chaired by Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor Libby John.

The University is actively encouraging Academic Staff to include sustainability elements into the delivery of teaching and the Sustainability Team is available to support these initiatives. Academic staff are invited to contact Rebecca Mills, Head of Sustainability, if they are interested in having one of the team deliver a lecture, seminar or workshop for students.

ESD-related training and development

Staff and Students can undertake a number of different courses and training delivered through the University, including:

  • Carbon Literacy Training
  • Introduction to Sustainability at the University
  • Waste Management training
  • Workshops delivered during Climate Action Festival Week, delivered annually in October.

Click here for further details of these training opportunities. 

THE Impact Rankings

From 23/24, the University will submit to the THE Impact Rankings, with information on how we are embedding the UN Sustainable Development Goals within our teaching, learning and research activity.

Case Studies


Upcoming ESD case studies:

  • BA and BSc Geography – the development of Sustainability-related Board Games to engage School Pupils in sustainability
  • BA Business and the Natural Environment – Involving Business School Students in internal audits as part of the Environment and Energy Management System
  • BA Product Design – Designing sustainable solutions for the Brayford Campus, to engage our University Community in the environment
Teaching and Learning

Sustainability is embedded in our teaching and learning at Lincoln. Many of our programmes now include modules focusing on sustainability issues, giving students the knowledge to become innovative problem-solvers capable of designing sustainable solutions for real-world challenges.

The University of Lincoln is also proud to take part in SDG Teach In, an annual campaign to put the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and sustainability, at the heart of all stages of education, and across all disciplines. This annual campaign calls upon universities to include the SDGs within their teaching, learning, and assessment during the campaign.

Our Dean of Sustainability provides guidance to staff on how to embed the SDGs in education; including running supporting workshops during our yearly Climate Action Festival on Education for Sustainability.


  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ