Fairtrade University Status has been Renewed

We are proud to announce the University of Lincoln and the Students’ Union has renewed its Fairtrade University Status

Since the previous renewal back in 2015, the University and Student Union staff have worked together to continue being committed to promoting Fairtrade products and the issues around Fairtrade to students and staff.

As part of this process, the University has successfully met the five goals required to qualify as a Fairtrade University. The five goals are:

– Passing a Fairtrade policy statement
– Getting Fairtrade products on campus
– Using Fairtrade Products at meetings
– Organising Fairtrade campaigns
– Setting up a Fairtrade Steering Group

Read more about the Fairtrade commitment

Fairtrade Fortnight: 26th Feb – 11th March

Each year, we help to celebrate the success of Fairtrade and invite you all to take part this year.

Why not put on a Fairtrade Feast in your office, choose from Fairtrade goodies such as banana’s, pineapple, chocolate, tea and coffee! Share your photos using #fairtradelincoln and show the rest of the world that the university takes Fairtrade seriously.

Keep your eyes peeled for other events and competitions for you to get involved in!

fairtrade snack meme



  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ