Update to Parking Policy Enforcement on the Brayford Campus

The University has entered into an agreement with a parking management company, Parking Control Solutions (PCS), who will provide a dedicated parking warden to patrol and enforce the University Parking Policy throughout the Brayford Campus.

Enhanced parking enforcement is intended to reduce the amount of unauthorised parking on site, providing better access for disabled drivers and visitors, as well as improving health and safety.

All those using University of Lincoln car parking facilities are advised to familiarise themselves with the University Parking Policy and associated FAQs on the Estates website: https://lncn.ac/parking.

From 4 December 2023, parking enforcement will be in place across the entire Brayford Campus, and vehicles in breach of the University Parking Policy may be fined. Parking Charge Notices (PCNs) will be issued at a rate of £100 (reduced to £60 for payment made within 14 days of issue).

During the first calendar month of operation any PCN issued will be discounted to a nominal fee of £20 which will offset some of the administrative costs involved in processing the PCN. After the first calendar month the PCN charges will revert to the standard charge of £100 discounted to £60 if paid within 14 days of issue.

Anyone wishing to appeal the issue of a PCN will be required to appeal directly to Parking Control Solutions in accordance with the process detailed on the PCN. The University will not become involved in the appeals process unless it can be shown the PCN was issued in error.

The City of Lincoln Council have removed their pay and display machines from the Brayford Campus and Parking Control Solutions will introduce the RingGo cashless parking system to enable the public to use our car parks outside core business hours via the RingGo app. Signage will be in place on campus showing the RingGo location code.

It is the drivers’ responsibility to ensure that a valid permit is on display in their vehicle whenever it is parked on campus. Holding a permit but failing to display it would not in itself result in a PCN being successfully appealed. Staff booking visitor parking will be responsible for ensuring visitors using University car parking facilities are provided with appropriate advice to ensure compliance with the policy.

Queries can be directed to estatessupport@lincoln.ac.uk.



  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ