Recycling and Waste Management

The University has waste collection and recycling facilities within each campus and all university managed accommodation blocks. The waste streams include general waste, dry mixed recycling, glass, WEEE waste and hazardous waste. Staff and students can also donate unwanted items via the British Heart Foundation collection points and the Student Union collects unwanted food and utility items to stock their food banks.


Page last reviewed in July 2024

During term time the University generates around 18.9 tonnes of general waste and 10.1 tonnes of recycling each month; with over 345 tonnes produced in 2022/2023, this excludes accommodation generated waste. The general waste generated by the University is taken to a local sorting facility, where readily recyclable items are extracted from the waste stream for recycling. The remaining residual waste is then sent to a local Energy from Waste facility, where it is burnt to generate electricity and heat.

The University is committed to reducing it’s overall waste generation and actively encourages staff to follow the waste hierarchy. It also provides facilities for students, staff and visitors to be able to separate their recycling from waste to dispose of, waste and recycling bins on campus have signage detailing what can and can’t be recycled within the bins.

The graph below shows how much waste and recycling the university (excluding accommodation waste) generated during 2022/23.

Graph showing waste and recycling stafs for 2022/2023 academic year

This second graph details how much waste and recycling was produced per student for each academic year:

Download the graphic below to see what you can/can’t recycle on campus, or email with any waste related questions you may have.

Graphic details what items can be recycled and what is general waste. Recyclable items include clean cans, plastic containers and plastic bottles. As well as paper and card. Anything dirty, food or products containing multiple materials should go in general waste.

Recycling in Student Accommodation

Each university run accommodation has waste collection services. Click on the thumb nails below to find out what you can recycle in your accommodation blocks:

Courts and Cygnet Wharf Waste and Recycling
Courts, Cygnet Wharf  and St Marks Waste and Recycling
Valentine Courts Waste and Recycling
Valentine Courts, 179 High Street, Gateway and Viking House Waste and Recycling