Climate Action Festival

In 2021, we launched the first of our Climate Action Festivals, working in collaboration with Schools, the SU and local communities.

The success of this event led to the second Climate Action Festival, 31st October until 4th November 2022; and a third Festival in Autumn 2023. Read the full schedule

We’re looking forward to collaborating again in Autumn 2024, keep your eyes peeled for upcoming dates.

In the meantime you can follow us on socials to keep up to date with all upcoming events, activities and opportunities:

View a video of our week long event below:

Our Climate Action Week included:

  • A fully accessible environmental art exhibition – One Step Greener
  • An Eco-Fayre
  • Community Litter picks
  • Research Show Case
  • Climate Action Talks
  • Schools Engagement Event


Climate Action Festival Dates:

Previous Festivals:
Autumn 2021
Autumn 2022
Autumn 2023

Next Festival:
Autumn 2024