Space Management Surveying

Throughout Semester B, until 27 May 2022, surveyors will be taking headcounts in a sample of central teaching rooms and staff offices.  Data gathered from the surveys will be used to better manage our buildings, for example with energy management and ventilation controls.  A report will be provided to SLT to aid future decision making.

To minimise disruption, the surveyors will work as discreetly as possible. They will enter classrooms only when necessary, without knocking, and will speak only if spoken to. They will simply count all people in the room and then leave.  For single occupancy offices and where there is a clear view into a room, counts will be taken from the outside without entering.  The surveyors are students, engaged via Campus Jobs, and will wear visible red lanyards at all times.

Headcounts will not be analysed at the level of individual events or subjects, and no personal data will be gathered:

·        Headcounts in teaching spaces and multiple occupancy offices will be analysed by room, by room type, by building, and by time slot.

·        Headcounts in single occupancy offices will be anonymised by being counted as a total number of staff over a total number of rooms, by building.

If you have any queries please contact


  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ