Service Level Agreement

We aim to deal with all service requests as quickly as possible.

Most of our maintenance is carried out by our service provider, Dalkia. To minimise disruption to University business, maintenance requests are automatically prioritised based on the information provided within the request and the urgency is determined by this information. Jobs are then assigned to Dalkia for attendance and resolution within the target timescales described below.

Priority 1 - Emergency
  • Attend within 1 hour. Restore or provide alternative facilities within 24 hrs
  • Key service with high & immediate impact to the business – campus & building level impact.
  • Loss of power to building, Loss of power to ICT data centre, Fire, Major flood, Gas leak, Lift Entrapments (building entrance not secure)
  • For these a call should also be made to the University Security office
Priority 2 - Urgent
  • Attend within 4 hours (within contract working hours 8:30-5pm)
  • Restore or provide alternative facilities within 72 hours.
  • Local issue affecting occupants of space
Priority 3 - Routine
  • Attend within 48 Hours.
  • Restore or repair within 7 days unless agreed otherwise with Estates and Requestor
  • Broken item requiring repair that does not affect the delivery of teaching.
  • Issue affecting space or individual
Priority 4 - Low impact
  • Attend within 7 calendar days.
  • Implement a permanent solution within 30 days, unless agreed otherwise with Estates and Requestor
  • Intermittent fault, aesthetic non-urgent item that doesn’t affect service or teaching


  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2LG