Contractor Management

If you are a contractor at University of Lincoln, the information below will help you undertake your work in accordance with our standards and requirements.

Contractor induction

All contractors must complete the contractor’s induction and complete the questionnaire before undertaking any work.

All contractors who are planning on working on our site must ensure they have watched our induction video, and that they have completed the below questionnaire.  Your main site contact is your host and this induction will be valid for 1 year. There may be a requirement for further permits to be generated for specific tasks whilst on site which your host will be able to supply.

Please fill out the contractor induction questionnaire below:

Frequently Asked Questions

Environment and Energy Policy

Contractors must take a responsible approach to environmental management and energy use when working on our estate. Please families yourself with our Environment and Energy Policy: Environmental Policy

When do I need a permit to work or authority to access?

All contractors require an authority to access or permit to work to be issued before undertaking work on behalf of the University. Your university contact or the person in charge of the work will apply for this on your behalf. For more information on the permit process and the list of permits please refer to ECA 05 Permit to Work.

ECA 05 – Permit to Work (PTW) Compliance

Organised disruptive works

If works are disruptive, please inform the Estates Support Desk at least 5 working days in advance. This will ensure that we are able to send out communications to staff and students. Disruptive works are classed as anything from the below list:

  • Power outtages
  • Water shutdowns
  • Window/door repairs
  • Installation of exhibitions or sculptures
  • Signage installation
  • Closure of an access route such as a corridor or walkway
  • Redecoration works

If you are unsure whether your organised works will be disruptive, please contact us. 

Your personal information

The University of Lincoln collects personal information about you when you are carrying out works on behalf of the Estates Department. You can read how we use this information on our Privacy Notice:


  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2LG