Request to open a University building

Estates have changed how staff can request for buildings to be opened outside of normal operating hours – current opening schedules can be found here:  Brayford  Riseholme  Holbeach.   

 If you are organising an open day, conference, event, training course, interview panel, research or any other activity that requires a building to be opened, when it would normally be closed, please follow this process.   

 Before making a request, please ensure that: 

  • At least 10 working days’ notice is provided (to allow for arrangements to be made for security, cleaning etc); 
  • There are no buildings open and available that could meet the needs of your event or activity; and  
  • A PVC/Director is willing to approve the event/activity (suitable space may be offered, in an alternative building). 

If you would like to request a building be opened for your activity, please use PlanOn to make the request.  You will need to enter the details (listed below) about your event or activity (most questions provide a drop-down list for ease), including a risk assessment.    

The Estates Support Desk is open Monday – Thursday from 08.30 – 17.00 and Friday 08.30 – 16.30 to process your request.  The changes we are making will enable Estates and other departments to ensure that all the required supporting services are considered, e.g., security, cleaning, etc. 

 Details you will need for your request: 

  •  Staff member responsible for the event 
  • Date and time of event including set up and set-down requirements 
  • Type of event  
  • Building(s) required  
  • Who will be attending – staff, students, external guests and visitors  
  • How many people will be attending your event 
  • Title of event  
  • Date(s) access is required  
  • Requirements for your event – e.g., EV charging, additional power supplies 
  • Access arrangements and security
  • Name of PVC/Director supporting the event/project/research (required for all requests) 
  • Confirmation that you have done a risk assessment (and upload a copy) for the event and considered health and safety, including lone working. 

Once we have received your request, we will seek confirmation from the PVC/Director that they approve the request and have had sight of the risk assessment.  If your request is approved by your nominated PVC/Director you will receive email confirmation. 

FAQs can be found at the following link: FAQs: Request to open a University building

If you require access to a closed building (not for the building to be opened), please continue to contact the Estates Support Desk . 



  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ