Parking Policy Update – December 2024

Planned changes to the University’s car parking policy, charges and enforcement will be paused and reviewed in the new year.

The University announced in 2023/24 that car parking tariffs would increase in the new academic year – the first significant increase in rates for more than a decade. The roll-out was deferred to provide more time for the necessary technical and physical infrastructure to be put in place, including a new virtual permit system which will enable use of ANPR technology at entry barriers.

Development of these systems and their integration has proven very complex and the University will not implement the new policy without full confidence in the underlying infrastructure. Our goal is to manage access to our car parks simply and securely, ensuring staff, students and visitors are treated fairly, while reducing carbon emissions associated with staff transport and covering more of the costs of maintaining the estate.

The pause in roll-out of the new policy, pending a review in early 2025, means that:

· Existing physical parking permits (badges with 31 July 2024 expiry dates) will remain valid until further notice.

· Increases in parking tariffs, including the introduction of charges at Riseholme and Holbeach campuses, will be deferred until further notice.

· Payroll deductions for existing parking permits will continue as normal unless you choose to cancel them.

· Colleagues can continue to purchase day-rate scratch cards to park on campus if you do not want to pay monthly for a permit.

More information will be shared in the new year as the policy review progresses. Colleagues will be given ample time to prepare for any changes. An update will also be shared with students. For further information, please visit the Estates microsite or contact the Estates Support Desk by email


  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ