Awards and Accreditations

Our work and its civic impact have been recognised through a number of national, regional and local awards and nominations.

These include:

  • 13 RIBA East Midlands Awards and nominations, recognising the design quality of our buildings
  • 10 RICS East Midlands Awards and nominations, recognising the regenerative impact of the University
  • A Great Green Star Award from Investors in the Environment, recognising our environmental sustainability (learn more)

You can see a full schedule of our awards and nominations in the table below.


Year Scheme Category Project / Team Outcome
2024 Green Gown Awards Creating Impact Festival for the Future – Climate Action Festival – Sustainability Team Winner
2018 East Midlands Property Dinner Construction Project of the Year Cygnet Wharf Winner
2018 Local Authority Building Control East Midlands Awards Best Educational Building Isaac Newton Building Winner
2018 Royal Institute for Chartered Surveyors East Midlands Awards Commercial Cygnet Wharf Highly Commended
2017 University of Lincoln Merit & Achievement Awards Vice Chancellor Special Award Cygnet Wharf Project Team Winner
2015 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards Regeneration Joseph Banks Laboratories and Minster House Highly Commended
2015 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards Commercial Joseph Banks Laboratories and Minster House Shortlisted
2014 Investors in the Environment Great Green Star Award University of Lincoln Winner
2014 University of Lincoln Team Achievement Award Collaborative Working/Community Engagement Joseph Banks Laboratories Winner
2013 LUX Awards in Association with Recolight and Lumicom Recycling Winner
2013 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards Regeneration David Chiddick Building Winner
2013 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards Architecture David Chiddick Building Highly Commended
2007 Royal Institute for Chartered Surveyors International Awards Regeneration The Engine Shed Shortlisted
2007 SCONUL Library Design Awards The Great Central Warehouse University Library Shortlisted
2007 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards The Engine Shed Highly Commended
2007 Academy for Sustainable Communities Creating the Future Awards Well Designed and Built The Brayford Pool Campus Finalist
2007 Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors East Midlands Awards Regeneration The Engine Shed Winner
2007 Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors East Midlands Awards Building Conservation The Engine Shed Highly commended
2007 Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors East Midlands Awards Community Benefit The Engine Shed Finalist
2006 Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors East Midlands Awards Regeneration The Brayford Pool Campus Northern Quadrants Finalist
2006 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards The East Midlands Media and Technology Enterprise Centre Highly Commended
2006 Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors East Midlands Awards Regeneration The Brayford Pool Campus Northern Quadrants Winner
2006 Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors East Midlands Awards Project of the Year The Brayford Pool Campus Northern Quadrants Runner Up
2006 Association for Industrial Archaeology British Archaeological Awards The Great Central Warehouse University Library Commended
2005 Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors International Awards Building Conservation The Great Central Warehouse University Library Finalist
2005 Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors East Midlands Awards Building Conservation The Great Central Warehouse University Library Winner
2005 Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors International Awards Regeneration The Great Central Warehouse University Library Runner Up
2005 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards The Great Central Warehouse University Library Winner
2005 British Institute of Facilities Management Best Practice in a New Build The Great Central Warehouse University Library Finalist
2005 East Midlands Property Dinner Regeneration The Brayford Pool Campus Winner
2004 Prime Minister’s Awards for Better Public Buildings The Lincoln School of Architecture Shortlisted
2004 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards The Lincoln School of Architecture Highly Commended
2004 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards Sparkhouse Studios Shortlisted
2004 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards The Greestone Pavilion Shortlisted
2003 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards Science Building Shortlisted
2003 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards Village Hall Shortlisted
2003 Royal Institute of British Architects East Midlands Awards Sports and Recreation Centre Shortlisted
1999 Civic Trust Awards The University Quarter Mention



  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2LG