New Estates Change Request Procedure

Colleagues are advised of a new procedure when requesting a change to the University estate, called the Estates Change Request (ECR). All changes to the University estate (with a few minor exceptions) should be considered as subject to this approval process.

All space across the University estate is managed and allocated by Estates. Colleges and Departments should not make changes to the estate without going through the ECR procedure.

What constitutes as a change?

Any works that will change a space either in use, allocation, or configuration. For example, if a requestor would like to change a fixed room layout, then they will need to submit an Estates Change Request.

Maintenance requests such as additional power and data for spaces, supplies to new equipment and further case specific provisions for larger items similar to this will also require an Estates Change Request to be submitted.

How will staff be notified?

Whilst the ECR process is a live system, it is an approval system only, it does not track the progress or completion of work. Requestors will be kept updated by comments and notifications via the system. The process is designed to capture all proposed changes to the estate and provide transparency to Estates and other stakeholders.

More information can be found on the Estates website:

If you have any queries, please contact the Estates Support Desk on – 01522 88 6777


  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ