Joseph Banks Laboratories – Power and Data Improvements
Friday 28 March – Friday 4 April.
On Friday 28 March from 17:00 until Friday 4 April, works to install power circuits in JBL2C04 will be undertaken.
Cabling will be routed down the central space JBL2C52 towards the cleaner’s room JBL2C53.
During the works the main lobby lift may be intermittently out of service to the second floor. Contractors will work with building users to minimise disruption to those who may need to use the lift. The East Wing lift will remain unaffected.
The corridor may be barriered off during the overhead works. The majority of impactful work has been planned to take place out of hours to minimise disruption to building users.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Estates Support Desk on – 01522 88 6777
Please forward this communication to anyone who may be affected.