Isaac Newton Building – Crane on Site – Tuesday 04 February

Isaac Newton Building – Crane on Site

Tuesday 04 February

Please be advised that there will be a crane on site behind the Isaac Newton Building from 14:00 on 04 February to carry out ground penetration tests in advance of further maintenance works. The crane will be on site for two hours.

The area will be barriered off for the duration of the work and an engineer will be manning the fire exit and pedestrian route to guide people when necessary.

The area that is closed off is shown below.

Image showing the area that will have barriers surrounding it. Area behing Isaac Newton Building, affecting the loading bay and hatched parking

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Estates Support Desk on – 01522 88 6777  

 Please forward this communication to anyone who may be affected.