Go Green Week 2016

Competitions | Giveaways | Workshops | Conservation | Go Green!

During Go Green Week you can get involved in a number of activities and competitions that will help you and the University become more sustainable.

One person can’t save the world single-handedly, but if each person makes one sustainable change the results would be huge.

So far we’ve got the following planned:

  • Monday
    • Become a Go Green Champion! Simply make a commitment to make a sustainable ‘green’ change, then email, tweet or Facebook a pic of this change and be entered into a draw to win one of 20 University Keep Cups. We’ll be in the Minerva Building Atrium from 10.30am if you need more information.
    • Meat Free Monday – The Quad Catering team will be selling a delicious, array of vegetarian dishes.
  • Tuesday
    • Herb Garden Renovation –  Brilliant opportunity to join the Students’ Union and the Environment Team at 10.45am to help regenerate the University Herb Garden. Meet at the Students’ Union Drop-in Centre + Free pancakes for anyone who helps!
  • Wednesday
    • Campus Cleanup – Take part in the campus clean up! Meet at the Students’ Union Drop-in Centre at 1245 and help the SU clean up the campus.
    • Environmental Film Season – No Impact Man. – What does it really take to live eco-effectively? For one year, Colin Beavan swore off plastic and toxins, turned off his electricity, went organic, became a bicycle enthusiast and tried to save the planet from environmental catastrophe while dragging his young daughter and his Prada-wearing wife along for the ride. Together they attempted to make zero impact on the environment while living right in the heart of Manhattan, and this is the sensational, funny, and consciousness-raising story of how they did it. In With No Impact Man, Beavan found that no-impact living is worthwhile–and richer, fuller, and more satisfying in the bargain. Starts 6pm, in room AAD1W03.
  • Thursday
    • Sustainable Transport Day – join the team outside the SU/Library to pick up your cycling freebies. Learn about what sustainable transport options are available to you and have a go on the smoothie bike! Prizes up for grabs!
    • Upcycling Workshop – hosted by the SU, Oxfam are running an upcycling workshop from 10am til 12pm. Register your interest here: http://lincolnsu.com/volunteering/opportunities/community/one-offs
  • Friday
    • How bad are banana’s? Located in the atrium Dr Emma Fieldhouse will be leading staff and students in an exciting and enlightening carbon footprint game.

Make sure you enter our Go Green Champ prize draw, send us your pics via email environment@lincoln.ac.uk twitter @GreenLincolnUni or Facebook /GreenLincolnUni
Or use the #LincolnGGC

For more information, follow @GreenLincolnUni on Twitter or GreenLincolnUni on Facebook.

If you have an idea to contribute to Go Green Week, or would like more information, please email Tracey Turton via tturton@lincoln.ac.uk.


  • Riseholme Park
    Lawress Hall, Riseholme
    Lincoln, LN2 2BJ